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Monday 21st October
Christmas Lights

Christmas Lights in Gibraltar

The Christmas Lights in Gibraltar are magical.

There are lights everywhere. The whole of Main Street and the side streets are arrayed with Christmas lights strung from side to side.

The Main Street lights even made it to the front cover of our weekly Twickenham Tribune in the weeks running up to Christmas!

Coming to the end of Main Street and entering Casemates Square a large Christmas tree is positioned in the right-hand corner as you enter - a beacon welcoming one and all to come along and join the festivities. The tree stands positioned next to an enormous stage for live music - a feature of festivities in Gibraltar.

The arches leading away from the square, towards Ocean Village, are also festooned with lights and roundabouts have extravagant light features - so the motorist does not miss out!

The Cathedral of Mary the Crowned in Main Street, beautiful in itself, has a tall lighted angel welcoming residents and visitors alike.

If you want to see Christmas lights Gibraltar is the place to go. There is a lot to see and do and the weather is still warm although you might need a coat or jacket in the evening.

Photographs © World InfoZone Ltd 2018

Places of interest in Gibraltar include Catalan Bay, Sandy Bay, Harding's Battery, the Lighthouse and the Ibrahim-al-Ibrahim Mosque, the Queen's Balcony, St Michael's Cave, the Moorish Castle, the Trafalgar Cemetery, the Alameda Botanic Gardens, Commonwealth Gardens, Queensway Quay Marina, Ocean Village Marina, Camp Bay Lido, Gorham’s Caves and Viewing Platform. And, Christmas Lights, Historic Post Boxes and the Sacarello Coffee House.

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