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Monday 21st October
National Day

John Mackintosh Square - Gibraltar Day Celebrations

The 10th September is National Day in Gibraltar - also known as Gibraltar Day. John Mackintosh Square and Casemates Square are venues for the celebrations.

National Day celebrates the first sovereignty referendum of 10 September 1967; in 1967 and 2002 the people of Gibraltar voted to remain British.

On National Day everyone wears national colours; many shops including Marks & Spencer’s stock red and white clothes.

It is a fun day for everyone; fairground rides for children, a street party with live music and fireworks.

However, everything was different in 2020, COVID-19 meant that gatherings could not take place and even the fireworks were cancelled. But Gibraltar was not to be defeated, walking around the main town there was music to be heard from Ocean Village to the Alameda Gardens. The sun was shining and it was hot; a lovely day despite the pandemic.

Gibraltar is full of history - our history - for the UK has many links which include a long ago resident of Twickenham who was involved in negotiating the Treaty of Utrecht which ceded Gibraltar to Britain in 1713 - he, the Earl of Strafford, lived next door in Gifford Lodge in Twickenham.

Places of interest in Gibraltar include Catalan Bay, Sandy Bay, Harding's Battery, the Lighthouse and the Ibrahim-al-Ibrahim Mosque, the Queen's Balcony, St Michael's Cave, the Moorish Castle, the Trafalgar Cemetery, the Alameda Botanic Gardens, Commonwealth Gardens, Queensway Quay Marina, Ocean Village Marina, Camp Bay Lido, Gorham’s Caves and Viewing Platform. And, Christmas Lights, Historic Post Boxes and the Sacarello Coffee House.

World InfoZone information on Gibraltar

Available soon, the latest edition of "Gibraltar Alive - a scenic view of the Rock"

September 2019/20


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