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Monday 6th May
Road Safety - Page Two

From the Discussion Board - Road Safety

studying road safety Posting from London, UK

It looks as though we all have the same problems on our roads. Here are some figures for the UK (2002): 3,431 people were killed in road accidents, 35,976 were seriously injured and 263,198 were slightly injured.

Speeding is the biggest single contributory factor of road accidents and falling asleep at the wheel is the cause of around 20% of accidents on long journeys on trunk roads and motorways.

About 10 front seat users are killed every year by unbelted rear seat passengers.

Almost twice as many boys as girls are killed or seriously injured in pedestrian and cycle accidents.

Motorcyclists are 30 times more likely to be killed in a road accident than car users, and four times more likely to be killed than pushbike riders. (

Posting from Slavonski Brod, Croatia

Since 1991, 12,000 people have been killed in Croatia in car accidents, mostly young people. After the war in Croatia (1991-1995), something strange happened here. Many young people seemed as they had lost their orientation.

Posting from Siberia, Russia

The topic is very important for our city as well. We have about 10 accidents every day.

Posting from China

In mainland China we have some slogans for divers: "prefer to wait for 3 minutes rather than rush for one second on roads." "One drop of wine, may cause your relatives many drops of tears if you are a driver. Don't drink if you drive."

Postings from Israel

I have strong feelings about this subject because my father has been in an accident. He had turned right, and at the same time someone from the other side of the road had turned left. They crashed but fortunately my father had a safety belt and he was not injured. So I am asking all of you, please always wear a safety belt. (Ohad)

I agree with many teachers that in our country, it's a pity, it is very dangerous to drive on the roads. I think, because of people's impatience drivers don't want to wait patiently and help each other. Let us be kind and polite on roads. (Tali)

Posting from Connecticut, USA

Here in CT and in all of the USA we deal with danger on our roads in too many forms. Cell phone users who drive and talk at the same time; drunken or drug impaired drivers; inexperienced drivers on the road at too young an age; older drivers who should not be behind the wheel, and as of late, road rage is causing more than its share of problems. As a mom and an educator I too wonder and worry for the safety of my own and the safety of society as a whole. Tougher laws may help but there is no consistency in sentencing. I truly feel that personal attitudes need to change. The self-centered society we have become can only be changed when all of us do our best to instil integrity in our children at a young age and continue to model integrity throughout our lives. If each and every person started within their own lives - within their own communities, then won't the world slowly become a safer and more compassionate place? (Nikki)

Posting from Japan

About traffic accidents in Japan ... recently our government has punished drunk driving very strictly. If drivers have a drink-driving accident, they have to go to jail for many years, 20 years or more.

Posting from Texas, USA

I am from Irving, Texas and I am in Irving School Safety Patrol. I help people and little kids cross the streets in the mornings and afternoons. I had a friend who was my best best friend in the whole wide world - someone ran over her in a car. She was in a coma for six months and twelve days. While she was in a coma I was bored and sad. But when she finally got out of the coma she died. The only reason I joined Safety Patrol was because I do not want to let young kids die and experience that. That is why Safety Patrol saves peoples lives. So when you get on the road make sure you buckle your seat belt because you never know when crazy people might come and they might crash into you.

Posting from South Africa

We are from Grahamstown in South Africa. We would love to tell you what is happening on our roads here. Some people drink and drive and they don’t care about the passengers that are in the taxis. One glass of wine can kill many people and yourself too. Some drivers make a big mistake because they drive without a licence, especially during the December holidays. Taxi drivers cause accidents by speeding. Many taxi drivers, drive their taxis short of motor parts and that makes big accidents on the road of South Africa.

In December-January holidays the death toll rises sometimes to 800 - 900 deaths. Pedestrians who cross the roads carelessly are more. In most accidents there is an innocent victim. ... Our slogan for the road: "ARRIVE ALIVE" "DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE"

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