World InfoZone - WIZ Around The World
Monday 31st March
Global Junior Challenge

Linking Our World, the global communication project, has been selected Finalist for the Global Junior Challenge (GJC):

"per aver contribuito con il proprio impegno a favorire lo scambio di culture e di esperienze tra studenti di paesi diversi incoraggiandoli all'utilizzo delle tecnologie informatiche." Il Sindaco di Roma, Walter Veltroni, Il Presidente del Consorzio Gioventu Digitale, Tullio De Mauro - Comune di Roma 2004.

Linking Our World was one of 647 projects from over 70 countries that entered the 2004 GJC. Projects from over 20 countries gathered in Rome this November where we were given the opportunity to meet other Finalists from around the world.

As a Finalist in the Stockholm Challenge and the Global Junior Challenge it has been very interesting to learn, first hand, about some of the best educational projects in the world. There has been the opportunity to meet once again, old friends from previous Challenges and meet some of the most prominent people in the world of information technology in education.

the she-wolf, the symbol of Rome, with Romulus & Remus In the category of "old friends", it was a pleasure to meet Denise Odhiambo (Rwanda Rural Rehabilitation Initiative), Kalthum Abdullah H. Al-Ansary of Muraishid Primary School (Best UAE National Teacher Project), teachers from Matera's On-Line Newspaper, Italy, Hannah Shiloach from Finestein Junior High Junior High School, Israel, Aaron Lau (Hong Kong Education City Limited and GJC winner for e-Learning and SARS) and Oliver from Botswana Basket Weavers Online

"New friends" include Nazrul Islam (Cyber Schools Bangladesh), Bernard Percy, former Editor-In-Chief of Converge magazine (USA), Dafna and Nitza of Tapuah (Israel) and educational representatives from Palestine.

In the "up to ten years category" the winner was once again Lieven Van Parys from Belgium with a new project, A new world in one, two, three. Lieven's school website contains numerous inventive projects including the GJC 2002 winner, the @-team.

The IT-University of Kista ("up to 15 years") promoted its project that aims to help students and teachers to develop their own multimedia tools and study materials. Through the project the IT-University strives to be part of everyday life in Kista (Sweden). In the same category Marsha Goren and Amity Waisel presented the Dream A Dream project. (Marsha and I have been working on the global communication project for two years and this is the first time we met in person. Students from Dream A Dream introduce their country in Linking Our World and this is linked to the WIZ country information providing a full picture of the country).

In the "up to 18 category", Encuentro from Chile exhibited its website. Encuentro aims to promote the social and community development in Penalolen (Santiago, Chile), using a community internet point that gives people an opportunity of having an education and increasing their chance of finding work.

A number of interesting projects in the "up to 29" category included Community-based information and Communication Technologies Training Centre from Cameroon, MIDAS, the Mongolian Information Development Application Scheme, and Surf2Work, a multi-media, interactive website which develops students', especially female students, work-related skills within the context of Arabic culture and the local work environment.

E-Tlalim won the GJC Award 2004 in the category "women and equal opportunities". E-Tlalim is a Virtual School for Homebound Children with Special Needs. E-Tlalim addresses the special needs of both Palestinian and Israeli children by using digital technology.

World InfoZone was a Finalist in the Global Junior Challenge in Rome in 2002 and the global communication project was represented at the Stockholm Challenge in 2004 as well as the Global Junior Challenge 2004.

The Twickenham Tribune which features World InfoZone articles took part in the Global Challenge in Rome in 2018.



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