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Monday 31st March
Twickenham's News - Page One

"The Twickenham & Richmond Tribune" was first published in November 2016. After all these years there are those who may wonder why the Tribune came into existence. The answer is the concern for access to local news and the need for a publication where residents could express their views.

At this time the Informer newspaper had closed, the Richmond & Twickenham Times, after moving from King Street in Richmond to Twickenham, had left the borough to set up offices in Sutton and was suffering from an industrial dispute.

Cllr Stephen Knight was reported as saying “plans by Newsquest to cut back on staff, pay and conditions will not just hit journalists but also the quality of valued newspapers”.

As a result of this situation, the first edition of the fledgling Tribune was published on Friday 11 November 2016; Berkley and I decided to go ahead with an online newspaper on Tuesday 8 November 2016.

Over the years we have interviewed national politicians including Sir Vincent Cable and Tim Farron and a Secretary of State of Education with the edition 25 front cover of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge; edition 39 marked the beginning of a weekly borough photograph on the front cover.

We keep in touch with contacts from our previous community work such as the RFU, Brentford Football Club and journalists in the theatrical world.

As well as a variety of news, local and further afield, one of the main reasons for starting the Tribune was to allow local people to have their news and views published.

The Tribune has a considerable audience in the borough but it is good to know that there are many people who have left the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames for various reasons who read the Tribune to keep in touch with where they used to live.

The Twickenham & Richmond Tribune was founded as a local online newspaper for and by local people in Twickenham and the surrounding towns. A place where people can have their letters published, have their say and where their articles can be published online.

... And as well as local news the Tribune also aims to bring people into contact with the wider world, just as those in a number of countries enjoy the Tribune. World InfoZone, produced by one of the Tribune team, is a useful international resource which tries to bring a global dimension to the online newspaper.

The Twickenham Tribune Goes Global

Edition 51 of the Twickenham Tribune, published on 28 October 2017, was produced in Rome as the Tribune took part in the Global Junior Challenge (GJC), organised by Fondazione Mondo Digitale, under the high patronage of the Italian Presidency. The Tribune was invited to attend as a Finalist in the Challenge.

The aim of the biannual event is to promote the innovative use of ICT in the social inclusion area, education for life, training and intercultural cooperation and to encourage young generations to share in some of the best practice in the use of ICT.

The Tribune was pleased to take the opportunity, not only to interact with those at the event, but to showcase the towns in the Twickenham constituency as well as exhibit some of the Tribune’s work.


The Twickenham & Richmond Tribune is produced by Twickenham Alive and World InfoZone. See Twickenham Alive's work within the Twickenham community on Page 2, especially Twickenham Alive's active participation on Twickenham Riverside.

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Twickenham's News Pages
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