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Friday 7th February
Paraguay Information - Page 1
The Republic of Paraguay is a landlocked country in South America. It is bordered by Argentina, Bolivia and Brazil.

Asuncion is the capital city. Other cities include Caballero, Ciudad del Este, Concepcion and Encarnacion.

The terrain consists of low plains, hills and plateau. The River Paraguay is the principal river. Lake Ypacarai and Lake Ypoa are the main lakes.

The climate of Paraguay is subtropical to temperate.

There are a number of national forests, parks and reserves in Paraguay. National Parks are Caaguazu National Park, Cerro Cora National Park, Defenders of Chaco National Park, Saltos del Guaira National Park, Teniente Enciso National Park, Tinfunque National Park and Wildlife Reserve, and Ybycui National Park.

Laguna Chaco Lodge, Laguna Teniente Rojas Silva, and Tinfunque are on the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance. Other areas on the List are Lago Ypoa, Estero Milagro, and Rio Negro.

El Chaco and Bosque Mbaracayu are UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserves.

Animals found in Paraguay are the armadillo, anteater, wild boar, deer, jaguar, puma and tapir. Birds include the blue winged macaw, the bare-faced curassow and the saffron toucanet. The bare-throated bellbird is Paraguay's national bird.

The Jesuit Missions of La Santisima Trinidad de Parana (1706) and the Jesus de Tavarangue Mission are on the World Heritage List. The decoration of the Santisima Trinidad mission displays a combination of Spanish and indigenous artistic style.

The eighteenth century church at Yaguaron, thirty miles from Asuncion, is another example of Spanish Colonial architecture.

The population of Paraguay was estimated at 6.7 million in 2016.

Spanish and Guarani are both official languages.

The majority of the people of Paraguay are Christians, mainly Roman Catholics.

Staple foods in Paraguay include maize and cassava. Corn is used to make bread, soup and stew. Beef, pork, poultry and freshwater fish are available.

Rice, beans, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes and tomatoes are grown.

Fruits include apples, bananas, citrus fruits, grapes, guavas, mangoes, melons, peaches, papayas, pears, pineapples and plums.

Yerba tea, made with the leaves of the yerba plant, is the traditional drink. Coffee is grown. The local alcoholic drink is made from sugarcane.

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