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Monday 21st October
Lesotho Information - Page 1
The Kingdom of Lesotho in southern Africa, is a landlocked country, completely surrounded by South Africa.

Maseru is the capital. Other cities are Leribe, Mafeteng, Mohales Hoek and Teyateyaneng.

The terrain of Lesotho consists of highland with plateaux, hills and mountains. More than eighty percent of the country is 1,800 meters above sea level. The Orange River, the Tugela River and the Caledon River all have their source in the mountains of Lesotho.

Summer is hot; winter can be cold, with snow in the mountains. Most rainfall is between October and April.

Sehlabathebe is Lesotho's National Park. Other protected areas include Bokong Nature Reserve, Tsehlanyane Nature Reserve and Liphofung Cave Heritage Site.

The Maloti-Drakensberg Transfontier Conservation and Development Project, a collaborative initiative between South Africa and the Kingdom of Lesotho, was established to protect the biodiversity of the Drakensberg and Maloti Mountains.

The capital city of Maseru is a mixture of Colonial architecture and modern high-rise buildings.

Examples of Colonial architecture include a number of churches and a Catholic Cathedral. Maseru's Secretariat Building was designed by Sir Herbert Baker (1862-1946), the architect of many notable buildings in southern Africa.

The Mohale Dam, a large civil engineering project, won a top award from the Concrete Society of Southern Africa in 2005.

The population of Lesotho was estimated at 2.281 million in 2021. (The inhabitants of Lesotho are called the Basotho; the singular is Mosotho).

Lesotho has two official languages, English and Sesotho.

A large percentage of the people are Christian and a number follow indigenous beliefs.

Staple foods in Lesotho include bread, potatoes and rice. Corn meal is boiled and made into a dish called papa.

Mutton, chicken and eggs are eaten. Freshwater fish supplement the diet. Beans, cabbage and pumpkins are grown. Wild spinach can be found in a number of places.

Fried cakes similar to doughnuts are popular.

Fruits grown are apples, apricots, peaches, pears and quinces.

Beer is brewed locally in Lesotho.

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