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Saturday 27th July
Guam Information - Page 2
Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer in the service of Spain, landed at Umatac Bay, Guam, in 1521.

Guam and the other Mariana Islands were claimed by Spain in the sixteenth century.

Guam was ceded to the United States by the Treaty of Paris in 1898 at the end of the Spanish American War.

The Northern Mariana Islands were sold to Germany in 1899.

The Japanese took control of Guam in 1941 during the Second World War; allied forces retook the island in 1944.

Guam is an unincorporated territory of the United States of America.

The economy of Guam is dependent on the US military base and the tourist industry.

Other industries include trans-shipment services, construction, concrete products, printing, publishing, textiles, fishing and food processing.

A significant percentage of the population works in the agriculture sector. Agricultural products include fruits, vegetables, copra, meat and dairy products. (2011)

The indigenous inhabitants of Guam are the Chamorro.

Cave art has been found two caves in Talofofo on the southwest coast of Guam. Drawings have also been found on cave walls at a number of other locations although it is said to be difficult to date them; some are thought to have been drawn during the Spanish era.

Crafts include coconut leaf weaving and pandanus leaf weaving.

Chamorro legends are enacted in traditional dances.

The Spanish influence can be seen at fiestas which are enjoyed by all Guamanians.

Team sports include football, rugby, baseball, basketball and volleyball.

Water sports are snorkelling and scuba diving. Guam is also popular for deep sea fishing.

All religious holidays are celebrated. Discovery Day is in March (1521).

News from Guam is available from Newslink.

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