Wiz Quiz - Germany

Germany Quiz
1) What is the capital city of Germany? Berlin, Bonn, Munich.
2) When was the Brandenburg Gate built? 1791, 1861, 1938.
3) Who was the leader of the Reformation of the Church in Germany? Karl Marx, Martin Luther, Immanuel Kant.
4) Which German invented the printing press? Gunter Grass, Johann Gutenberg, Otto Dix.
5) Who was Germany's most famous author? Goethe, Michael Stich, Beethoven.
6) Which King of Britain came from Hanover? Charles II, George I, King Alfred.
7) Which German prince was married to Queen Victoria? Prince Konrad, Prince Albert, Prince Gerhard.
8) Germany had a number of colonies in Africa. What was Germany's possession in Southern Africa? Lesotho, Madagascar, Namibia.
9) Other German overseas territories included the present-day Federated States of Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. Where are these countries? the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Southern Ocean.
10) Which year did the First World War begin? 1911, 1939, 1914.
11) What was the Bauhaus? a German school of art and design, a brewery, a famous department store.
12) Which commander from Hitler's Germany made the flight to Scotland in 1941 and was captured and imprisoned? Manfred von Richthofen, Otto von Bismarck, Rudolf Hess.
13) When was the Berlin Wall built? 1950, 1961, 1969.
14) During a visit to Germany in 1963 President John F. Kennedy said Ich bin ein Berliner. What does this mean? I am a doughnut, I am proud to be in Berlin, I am a citizen of Berlin.
15) One of the following statements describes Germany's entry to the European Economic Community (now the EU). Germany was the last country to join the EU. Germany was one of the founders of the European Economic Community. Germany was an applicant to join the EU at the same time as the UK.
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WIZ Quiz content from World InfoZone educational website.
We would like to thank the following for the use of the photographs: Mark McLeod, University of Delaware; the Canadian Tourism Commission (Tourism New Brunswick); the South African Tourism Promotion Agency; the Finnish Tourist Board and the Saudi Arabian Embassy (London).